Do All Dogs Have to Visit the Vet for Treatment?


 It's a seemingly simple question, isn't it?

Why is it necessary for all dogs to go to the vet for treatment? Why can't vets make home visits to check on my dog? Why can't we consult top vets online for emergency assistance and advice?

As pet parents, these are all crucial questions. I've delved deep to find answers and would appreciate your input if I've missed something.

I firmly believe that vet care needs to be both affordable and accessible to pet parents.

The day Al, our GSD, had a bloat, I was in tears seeing him in pain, not knowing what to do. 

At that moment, Pavithra, my better half, who was more composed, did something that shifted my perspective. She initiated a chat with our vet, who guided us until Al reached the hospital.

Simple instructions like "let him get enough air" or "keep talking to him" proved surprisingly effective. Leaving the car windows open for fresh air also helped.

Fortunately, the doctors were able to save our boy. While sitting outside, I promised Pavithra that pet parents should be aware of such things. For instance, dogs should not drink water one hour before or after meals. It leads to gas buildup.

This got me thinking about a middle ground. Can vets come home to see my dogs? Can I chat or speak with someone online? How?

We started discussing this with our vets, and they shared the view that pet parents today need emergency assistance that is both affordable and accessible.

We often think that Vets are out there to make money. I am not saying that is not true but that is not the case with all Vets. The Vets we partner with are constantly looking to increase our pet’s longevity or thinking about how best to serve them better.

I can go on about some of the cool things that the veterinarian fraternity is working on to make life healthier for our Pets to give us a lot of peace of mind.

We then spoke to other pet parents to validate our case and got a big Thumbs up. Please let me know if you think the same way (affordable and accessible care for our Pets).

When Sheru, our 3-year-old Indie, started vomiting after dinner, out of the blue, we asked the vet if we could chat. Within 15 minutes, the vet diagnosed Sheru with acid reflux and prescribed medication that worked wonders within minutes. We didn't have to rush to the vet.

While I understand that major issues like surgery, tick fever, neutering, or fractures require face-to-face meetings, for concerns like vaccinations, growth, bulges, sprains, vomiting, diarrhea, eye care, or not eating, consulting a vet online can be a viable option. 

We also recognize that there are vets who offer home visits. Vet care should be instantly accessible for any pet parent, acting as a catalyst. Additionally, vet care should be affordable and categorized based on each treatment. Often, fees are quite standard, and the deviation is not significant when it comes to the pet's treatment.

Considering these factors, we decided to partner with top vets and hospitals in India, making them available for pet parents online or a home visit (based on proximity).

Today, at DogSwag, we serve thousands of pet parents, offering them Free Chat access with top vets for emergency assistance and advice. Even if prescriptions are given out, the charge is a flat rate that is in single digits (wherever you are in the world).

Our vision is to make vet care affordable and accessible globally. Pet parents should receive high-quality service, regardless of their location.

Happy to hear your thoughts and do support us by sharing this with other pet parents.


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