"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?



"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Mr. Godson and Mrs. Godson, who were recently married, exclaimed when they stepped out for a walk.

Little did they know how the day was going to pan out for them.

They lived in a gated community where both cats and dogs resided together. They were fence-sitters, folks who loved pets but chose not to have them.

That is why their morning walks used to be more exciting as they got to pet, play, and enjoy time with their community dogs and cats.

Today was going to be different in many ways. As they walked towards the community park, they noticed some movement inside. For a moment, they were confused until they noticed a dog running inside.

Within a few minutes, they heard something cry out, and it was so loud that it made them nervous. Mr. Godson ran towards the park while Mrs. Godson followed suit.

"Oye, Hey, Leave!" shouted Mr. Godson and Mrs. Godson. A community dog had attacked and captured a tiny kitten.

The dog started to growl as if to say, "Back off." Mrs. Godson picked up a stone and pretended to throw it at the dog, and fearing the worst, the dog dropped the kitten and ran through the back gate of the park.

Mr. Godson ran to take a look at the kitten and said, "Mrs. Godson, this is a baby, it is so small." They rushed the kitten to Bangalore Pet Hospital as that was the closest to the place where they lived.

Dr. Riya was the doctor in charge at Bangalore Pet Hospital when Mr. Godson and Mrs. Godson walked in. The minute the doctor saw the kitten, she said the kitten was not able to breathe, which meant a collection of air in her lungs.

An X-ray revealed internal bleeding because of the attack and trauma. What also got identified by Dr. Riya was one of the kitten's intestines herniated.

The kitten was given treatment with oxygen and life support for the next 48 hours. To everybody's relief, the kitten showed signs of improvement and started to eat. By this time, they had decided to name the tiny 800gm kitten "Pepper."

The doctor discharged Pepper, and she went home happily with her new caretakers, Mr. Godson, and Mrs. Godson. Just when everybody thought that they had crossed the mountain, Pepper's intestine hernia surfaced with a vengeance.

What is an Intestine Hernia in a cat? Hernia in a Cat

Mr. Godson and Mrs. Godson got Pepper back to Bangalore Pet Hospital, and with one look, Dr. Riya knew that this was serious and had to be operated on immediately.

Pepper went through the knife to get the hernia removed and was under the supervision of Dr. Riya's team for the next 3 days.

Pepper walked out of the hospital in 5 days and got adopted by an orphanage where she is loved and cared for.

Medical assistance and support are the need of the hour for pet parents, and that's why you can now vet chat with Dr. Riya for free emergency assistance and advice.

Chat with Dr. Riya Dr.Riya

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