Piccolo, you are a strong dog! Stop fooling us!


Piccolo, you are a strong dog! Stop fooling us!

"Doctor, is anybody there? Please help!" That was the sound of a frantic lady running into Bangalore Pet Hospital.

An hour before this, Piccolo, a cute little Pomeranian dog, was happily playing inside his house while his mom, who until that time was enjoying the moment, had to step inside the house to run an errand.

Piccolo, the Pomeranian, took this opportunity to become a bit more exploratory and decided it was time to see the world outside. Lucky him, he must have thought when he realized that the gate was left partially open.

In her hurry, Piccolo's mom forgot to latch the main gate.

So, out went Piccolo, sniffing around and having the time of his life as he strayed away from his home. Everything seemed amazing for this cute little Pomeranian dog. He was picking up different scents, being more ambitious and exploratory.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he (Piccolo) was surrounded by a large dog with a look that must have said, "You are my breakfast, little doggie."

Piccolo tried to run back, but before that could happen, the street dog was at his throat and had dug his teeth deep into Piccolo's neck. He was writhing and shaking in pain when all of a sudden, the street dog let go.

Piccolo fell to the ground and lay motionless. He lifted his head slightly and noticed that it was his mom who had rescued him before falling unconscious.

Dr. Riya happened to be on shift, and the minute she heard the frantic call for help, she rushed to see what had happened. She saw Piccolo, the cute little Pomeranian dog, dangling in his mom's hands, who was sobbing inconsolably.

The dog was brought into a state of shock, unconscious, and gasping for breath. Her lungs were almost punctured because of the bite.

Piccolo also had subcutaneous tissue and the muscle layer of Piccolo's neck was found to be exposed. Wondering what this is? Here is the link that might help for a good read Muscle Layer

Dr. Riya rushed Piccolo to the emergency and understood that she would need surgery immediately.

With no time to lose, Piccolo was operated on for the next 1 hour, and Dr. Riya kept talking to him, telling him how strong he was and that he couldn't fool them and give up.

The operation was a success, but Piccolo was far from okay. For the next two days, Dr. Riya and her team had to monitor him 24/7, administering oral medication, and helping him regain his strength one day at a time.

The day Piccolo stepped out with his mom, there was a big sigh and a sense of relief from Dr. Riya.

Diagnosis, first aid, and immediate support before the dog reaches the veterinarian should be given, and it must be free. That is why Dr. Riya and others have joined DogSwag Vet Chat to make a difference for pet parents.

You can now chat with Dr. Riya for Free Emergency Assistance and Advice here Dr.Riya

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